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Jessica Fontenot is an artist who draws and paints our everyday surroundings—buildings, trucks, overpasses—to reveal the inherent beauty of our world that we often ignore. She is curious about place in how it lives in our memory and emotions, and how every bit of our world holds a story.

Over the past 10 years, Jessica has explored place and infrastructure through projects like One Year of Buildings, where she created a daily watercolor drawing of a building everyday for a year, and The Roadtrip Show, a 5-week, 5,000 mile journey through places of her past and present that spawned 60+ artworks.

Jessica is trained in graphic design and spent years in Austin designing for agencies and startups, while also working as an illustrator for local and national clients. During this time she created the One Year of Buildings project, which now has become a visual record of 2010s Austin that is quickly disappearing. This work in particular opened her up to questions and themes she pursues in her work today: why cities are shaped the way they are, who was here before and why are they gone?

Jessica lives in Taos, NM, where she continues to take photos from the driver’s seat and turn them into artworks.

Sign up for her newsletter to follow her work in the studio.


Texas Monthly
Austin Energy
Chameleon Cold Brew
Oxford American
Austin Public Works
McGuire Moorman
Bunkhouse Group
Locale Hotels
Asterisk Group

Shoutout HTX Feature
Tribeza Feature

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